I've been experimenting with doing a turn-based system where each character acts based on their frequency. For example, a character with a frequency of 4 will act twice as many times as a character with a frequency of 2.
At the heart of the turn-based system lies a min-heap. A min-heap is a tree that follows a special rule: the smallest value is always at the top. The children of a node in the tree are always greater than the parent.
The min-heap data structure is ideal for the turn-base system, because "popping" characters from the min-heap tree always will be characters with a higher frequency.
To represent the min-heap tree, we will use an array. Each node in the tree, along with its children, is represented linearly.
For example a tree with the next values:
/ \
3 2
/ \ /
9 8 5
Will be represented as:
| 1 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 8 | 5 |
And their array indexes:
| 1 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 8 | 5 |
0 1 2 3 4 5
With the previous ASCII diagrams, we can say the next rule to know the parent is true:
floor((index - 1) / 2)
An for the children:
2 * ( index parent ) + 1
2 * ( index parent ) + 2
Each element in the array will be a MinNode
object, with two main components: the key
and the nonce
. The key corresponds to the frequency associated with the character mentioned at the beginning of the post. The nonce is particularly valuable in situations where characters possess equal frequency.
interface MinNode<T> {
key: number
nonce: number
item: T // Characters in the turn-based system
We can now begin implementing the MinHeap.
interface MinHeap<T = any> {
push(item: T, key: number): void
remove(item: T): void
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
let heap: MinNode<T>[] = []
let nonce: number = 0
function push(item: T, key: number) {}
function remove(item: T) {}
return { push, remove }
The push
method will add a value to the heap
array increasing the nonce for each element. This part is relatively straightforward.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function push(item: T, key: number) {
nonce += 1
heap.push({ item, key, nonce })
Now that the object is at the bottom, it's time to perform a heapify-up to place it in the correct position.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function push(item: T, key: number) {
// [...]
heapifyUp(heap.length - 1)
function heapifyUp(index: number) {}
With the element at the bottom, we search for the parent node using the rule mentioned before.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function getParentIndex(index: number): number {
return Math.floor((index - 1) / 2)
function heapifyUp(index: number) {
if (index === 0) {
const parentIndex = getParentIndex(index)
Once we have found the parent, we compare the keys or nonce if necessary. If the parent's key is smaller, we stop. Otherwise, we swap the elements and repeat the heapify-up action.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function less(a: MinNode<T>, b: MinNode<T>): boolean {
return a.key === b.key ? a.nonce < b.nonce : a.key < b.key
function swap(a: number, b: number): void {
const t = heap[a]
heap[a] = heap[b]
heap[b] = t
function heapifyUp(index: number) {
// [...]
if (parentIndex >= 0 && less(heap[index], heap[parentIndex])) {
swap(index, parentIndex)
For insertion, we perform a heapify-up operation, for removing items, we execute the opposite, a heapify-down action.
First, we need to find the item to be removed.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function remove(item: T) {
const index = heap.findIndex((e) => e.item === item);
if (index === -1) {
Once we have the index of the element to be removed, we copy the last element into that index and discard it.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function remove(item: T) {
// [...]
heap[index] = heap[heap.length - 1]
Now it's time to move down to the correct position.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
function remove(item: T) {
// [...]
function heapifyDown(index: number) {}
To move down correctly, we need to find the children for the index that was moved in the removed position. To find the children, we utilize the rules mentioned earlier.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function getLeftChildIndex(index: number): number {
return (2 * index) + 1
function getRightChildIndex(index: number): number {
return (2 * index) + 2
function heapifyDown(index: number) {
const left = getLeftChildIndex(index)
const right = getRightChildIndex(index)
let smallest = index
By using the indexes, we compare the keys of each element to find the smallest key or nonce.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function heapifyDown(index: number) {
// [...]
if (left < heap.length && less(heap[left], heap[smallest])) {
smallest = left
if (right < heap.length && less(heap[right], heap[smallest])) {
smallest = right
If the smallest key is different from the key of the element at the index we are trying to move down, we should continue with the heapify-down action.
function createMinHeap<T = any>() {
// [...]
function heapifyDown(index: number) {
// [...]
if (smallest !== index) {
swap(index, smallest)
We can use now the MinHeap
const mh = createMinHeap()
const a = { character: 'a' }
const b = { character: 'b' }
const c = { character: 'c' }
mh.push(a, 5)
mh.push(b, 3)
mh.push(c, 2)
// []
And that's it, although the turn-based system is more complicated, the heapify-up and heapify-down actions play an important role at its core.